We will save your email address, name and video till we find a winner of the category you participate in. When the winner has been found and been contacted by us we delete all emails.
The email address will not be public, selled or given away in any way! The name you type will be public and shown on this website. You are free to type a nickname instead of your real name.
You will be disqualified if you participate more than once per category!
You also allow us to use clips from your videos on our social medias such as YouTube, instagram etc.
Send in a skim video of you shredding and/or having fun on a skimboard.
You can do as many tricks as you like.
The video must be less than 3 minutes.
Send in a clip of you doing a unique trick very few people (or nobody) has ever done on a skimboard before.
You can only do one trick.
All video need to have the #ClipLife2020 in the title. Also remember to use the #ClipLife2020 when you post on facebook, instagram, etc.